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TSEA26 - Design of Embedded DSP Processors


Important information

If you have any questions about this course you can contact Oscar Gustafsson, Hus-B Rum 3B:546, phone 284059, oscar.gustafsson@liu.se, you can also contact the lab assistants Olov Andersson or Frans Skarman.

The Goal of the Course

To give students design experiences in ASIP (Application Specific Instruction-set Processors), e.g. embedded DSP processors and DSP firmware, as well as system integration. If you are interested in building efficient hardware, this is the course for you!

Pre-requisites/Teaching Language

  • Fundamentals of Signal Processing
  • Fundamentals of Computer Hardware and Architecture
  • TSEA19/20
  • Some of the labs require a basic understanding of VHDL or Verilog
  • The teaching language will be English

Organization and Requirements

There are 3 hp from the laboratory work and 3 hp from the written examination. All lab work will be done in the ISY computer labs in the B building. In order to take the labs, you have to be registered to the course first. Unregistered students will not be allowed to the labs due to limited seats.

Page responsible: Oscar Gustafsson
Last updated: 2019-09-09