Courses Electronics, ISY
Autumn 1TMEL08 - Electrical Systems
TSEA29 - Microcomputer, Project Laboratory
TSEA51 - Switching Theory and Logical Design
TSEA52 - Switching Theory and Logical Design (I3)
TSEA84 - Digital Design Project (D5, Y5)
TSEI03 - Digital Circuits
TSEK11 - Evaluation of an Integrated Circuit
TSEK38 - Radio Frequency Transceiver Design
TSIU03 - System Design
TSIU05 - Switching Theory and Logical Design (EL1)
TSTE12 - Design of Digital Systems
TSTE16 - Mixed-Signal Processing Systems
TSTE17 - System Design, CDIO
TSTE18 - Digital Arithmetics
TSTE86 - Digitala integrerade kretsar
TSTE92 - Electric circuits
Autumn 2
TMMI04 - Electrical Engineering
TSEA26 - Design of Embedded DSP Processors
TSEA29 - Microcomputer, Project Laboratory
TSEA44 - Computer Hardware, a System on a Chip
TSEA52 - Switching Theory and Logical Design (I3)
TSEA81 - Computer Engineering and Real-Time Systems
TSEA84 - Digital Design Project (D5, Y5)
TSEK02 - Radio Electronics
TSEK37 - Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits
TSIU02 - Computer Hardware and Architecture
TSTE05 - Electronics and Measurement Technology
TSTE16 - Mixed-Signal Processing Systems
TSTE17 - System Design, CDIO
TSTE18 - Digital Arithmetics
TSTE19 - Power Electronics
TSTE85 - Low Power Electronics
Spring 1
TMEL08 - Electrical Systems
TMEL53 - Switching Circuits and Logical Design
TSEA22 - Switching Theory and Logical Design (D1, I2)
TSEA28 - Computer Hardware and Architecture Y
TSEA56 - Electronics Engineering - Bachelor Project (Y3, I3)
TSEA83 - Computer Design
TSEI11 - Circuit Theory and Transform Methods
TSEI12 - Analog Circuits, Second course
TSEK03 - Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits
TSEK06 - VLSI Chip Design Project
TSIU51 - Micro Computer Laboratory (EL1, DI1, M4)
TSKS06 - Linear Systems for Communication
TSTE08 - Analog and discrete-time integrated circuits
TSTE24 - Electronics
TSTE93 - Analog Circuits
Spring 2
TSEA28 - Computer Hardware and Architecture Y
TSEA56 - Electronics Engineering - Bachelor Project (Y3, I3)
TSEA57 - Computer Hardware and Architecture
TSEA77 - Computer Hardware and Architecture IT
TSEA82 - Computer Hardware and Architecture (D1, Ii2)
TSEA83 - Computer Design (D2)
TSEI11 - Circuit Theory and Transform Methods
TSEK06 - VLSI Chip Design Project
TSFS13 - Electrical Engineering
TSEA48 - Computer Hardware and Architecture
TSIU51 - Micro Computer Laboratory (EL1, DI1, M4)
TSTE24 - Electronics
TSTE87 - Application-Specific Integrated Circuits for Digital Signal Processing
TSTE93 - Analog Circuits
Summer course
ETE235 - Switching Circuits and Logical Design
Student Office
You can find the departments student office in the B-building, D-corridor, between entrance 27 and 29.Opening hours:
During terms Monday and Thursday 12:30-13:15.
Thesis presentations, ISY
Questions regarding Master Thesis work -> exjobb@isy.liu.seLast updated: 2020-12-03