Education, ISY
Undergraduate education
The department offers about 100 different courses in
four main areas: Control Systems, Electronics, Image
processing, and Telecommunications. Courses are
mainly given to students in the masters programs
of: Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering (Y),
Computer Science and Engineering (D), and Information
Technology (IT). Nevertheless a large number
of students in other programs, such as the Master of
Science in Engineering, the Bachelor of Science in
Engineering and other Master's Programs, are taking
our courses as well.
Our courses typically cover theory but they also put
strong emphasis on engineering skills like problem
solving, experimental laboratory work, and sometimes
complete projects including construction.
Student Office
You can find the departments student office in the B-building, D-corridor, between entrance 27 and 29.Opening hours:
During terms Monday and Thursday 12:30-13:15.
Thesis presentations, ISY
Questions regarding Master Thesis work -> exjobb@isy.liu.seLast updated: 2015-05-25