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Course materiel TSEA44

Labs 2022

  • Complete lab manual comprising introduction, lab 0-4.
  • A complete lab skeleton for the whole lab series.
    Download and
    tar xzvf tsea44.tgz

    Then do (may change with changed lab)
    module add courses/TSEA44

Labs 2019

1911071356: Updated tsea44.tgz

New version of tsea44/hw/Makefile in the tsea44.tgz file
The update affects the make targets sim sim_lab1 sim_uart and sim_jpeg
The updated file is also available here: tsea44/hw/Makefile

  • Complete lab manual comprising introduction, lab 0-4.
  • A complete lab skeleton for the whole lab series.
    Download and
    tar xzvf tsea44.tgz

    Then do (may change with changed lab)
    module add courses/TSEA44


Reference books

There is no particular text book for this course. We would like to mention a few books
that we use ourselves:

  1. Palnitkar: Verilog HDL. Prentice Hall
  2. Lilja,Sapatnekar: Designing Digital Computer Systems with Verilog. Cambridge University Press
  3. Spear: SystemVerilog for Verification. Springer
  4. Bergeron: Writing Testbenches using SystemVerilog. Springer
  5. Sutherland,Davidmann, Flake: SystemVerilog for Design. Springer
  6. Some of these books (4-6) are available as e-books from our library:
    Bergeron, J: Writing testbenches using System Verilog (ISBN 97890387312750)
    Spear, C: SystemVerilog for Verification (ISBN 9780387765303)
    Sutherland, S: SystemVerilog for design (ISBN 9780387364957)

Data sheets and other literature

Informationsansvarig: Kent Palmkvist
Senast uppdaterad: 2022-10-31