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TSIU03 - Assignments

NOTE!! These pages are outdated. The course pages are now in Lisam.

The first half of the course contains three home assignments. Those are individual works that reinforces the knowledge acquired in the lectures. The assignments put into practice and complete the theory explained in the lectures. This helps you to keep track of the course and solve any doubts that you had from the lectures. Note: any help between students are considered cheating and are reported to the disciplinary board - if you need help, please ask the staff.

Each assignment corresponds to the theory presented in one or several lectures. The assignments are handed out via email after each last "covered lecture". The assignments are handed in in Lisam (instructions will be included). You have about one week to solve each assignment. The table below shows which lectures are associated with each assignment.

Provided after Deadline Covers
A2Lec3Lec6Lec2 - Lec3
A3Lec6Lec8Lec4 - Lec6

Each assignment contains several tasks, giving 0 to 100 points in total (per assignment). You need at least 50 points in average over the assignments.

Assignments handed in after deadline may not be considered, or are considered with reduced points. If you have problem with Lisam, you can send the assignment via email to Petter, by replying via email.

How to do "design" in the assignments

Several exercises is of type "Design (draw) yada yada". Here, you should draw a schematic (block diagram) of the solution. You can do it on paper and then photo/scan it, or you can draw it on the computer (e.g. in paint). If you, for any reason, cannot include a drawing in the answer, you can "type" the drawing, in a pseudo-VHDL way, that really maps exactly to the hardware.

Example exercise: Design a circuit that computes Y = (A and B) or C.

The solution looks like this:
One AND gate and one OR gate

If you type the drawing, it can look like this:

  s1 <= A and B;
  Y <= s1 or C;

Normally in VHDL, we would just type Y <= (A and B) or C; but now you are to "draw" the circuit with text. Then draw just one component per line.

Last updated: 2023-05-12