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TSIU03 - Project

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In the project you are supposed to combine the knowledge from the labs with new knowledge. The goal is to create an FPGA application from scratch to completed product.

The product typically reads in sound from a sound source, process it, and send it out to speakers. The product is controlled from a keyboard, and displays information on a VGA monitor.

The project is divided in three phases:

  1. Planning phase: Defining and planning the project, and doing the designing.
  2. Implementation phase.
  3. Round of phase: Verify the project.
The main document for the project is the Project Specification. It is quite long, but important. Read it!

Templates for the documents of the project will be available in K:\ and on Teams.

- Other documents:

The Role of the Teachers

The role of the teachers is to assist the students in their learning process. During the laboratories and project the teachers help the students to understand the problems that they face and to suggest them what to try or how to think, so that they can solve the problem themselves. Only in special cases in which students are not supposed to know how to handle the problem, the teachers will help to solve it.

Informationsansvarig: Petter Källström
Senast uppdaterad: 2023-05-12