Thesis at ISY
- Instructions for the student
- Checklist for the student
- Instructions for the opponent
- Attending presentations
When you have an idea and an outline for a thesis topic or have found an interesting proposal, then contact a suitable examiner within the area or one of the Directors of Studies or the thesis coordinator to discuss the topic(s).
Get inspired by the list of best theses nominated by our department:
Proposals for master theses projects can be found in the theses database.
You can find more information on master theses at our divisions:
- Automatic Control
- Communication Systems
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Vision Laboratory
- Integrated Circuits and Systems
- Information Coding
- Vehicular Systems
If you have any questions please e-mail the ISY's Thesis administrator at or visit the ISY Student Office.
Student Office
You can find the departments student office in the B-building, D-corridor, between entrance 27 and 29.Opening hours:
During terms Monday and Thursday 12:30-13:15.
Thesis presentations, ISY
Questions regarding Master Thesis work -> exjobb@isy.liu.seLast updated: 2025-02-07