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Thesis administrator, ISY

For questions related to administration of your thesis, please contact the adminstrators at

E-mail: exjobb@isy.liu.se
Postal address: Linköpings universitet
ISY:s expedition
581 83 Linköping

Thesis coordinator, ISY

For questions related to expected quality, alignment with regulations, and more, you can, besides your examiner, also contact the thesis coordinator at:

Postal address: Linköpings universitet
ISY:s expedition
581 83 Linköping

Student Office

You can find the departments student office in the B-building, D-corridor, between entrance 27 and 29.

Opening hours:
During terms Monday and Thursday 12:30-13:15.

Thesis presentations, ISY

Questions regarding Master Thesis work -> exjobb@isy.liu.se

Last updated: 2023-06-01