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PhD courses and graduate school

Mandatory PhD courses

The faculty decides which courses, or equivalent competencies, that are required for everyone admitted to PhD studies in Science and Engineering. The faculty also decides about faculty-common courses that are of broad general interest.

Mandatory for all PhD students

  • Ethics
  • Scientific methodology

Mandatory for PhD students who teach

  • Basic learning and knowledge of Higher Education course, or equivalent documented competence. It is mandatory for those who have teaching duties in the undergraduate education during their PhD studies
Mandatory and faculty-common courses for all PhD students (link to The Faculty of Science and Engineering)

The Ethics course is preferably taken in the beginning of the PhD studies. The course in Methodology about a year after having begun the studies.

Mandatory courses for each specialization, if any, are listed in the general study syllabus.

General and individual study plans information and links regarding PhD studies in Electrical Engineering.

Recommended courses

Beyond the mandatory courses, there is a number of recommended common and specific courses. The common courses are of a more general character and of broad interest within the research area.

Recommended common courses

  • Analog/digital system design
  • Information theory
  • Communication theory
  • Convex optimization
  • Linear systems
  • Matrix theory
  • Signal processing
  • Signal theory
  • Technical report writing

Recommended specific courses

  • See the general study syllabus under each respective specialisation (link obove)

PhD courses currently given at ISY

PhD courses in Electrical Engineering at ISY are listed on the web pages of each division.

Graduate school in which ISY is involved

WASP (The Wallenberg Autonomous Systems Program Graduate School).

Page responsible: Mark Vesterbacka
Last updated: 2024-06-05