
Department of Electrical Engineering
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TSTE16 - Mixed-Signal Processing Systems

What are Mixed-Signal Processing Systems?

Please do not forget to read more about mixed-signal processing systems! This link outlines the course quite well.

The quick story

The 12-HP CDIO course "mixed-signal processing systems" (MSPS) deals with hybrid systems that employ both analog and digital signals. These systems are very complicated to design and model at the signal level as well as at the electrical level. Mixed-signal systems are currently a major research topic and they are employed in almost all signal processing systems for conversion back and forth between analog and digital signals. Furthermore, they are key components since they usually determine the overall system performance.

The very quick story

In this course you are going to learn how to simulate, simulate, simulate, document, verify, deliver, negotiate specifications, etc. Main tools are: MATLAB, Cadence, and LibreOffice. This with an industrial focus and team work... and did I mention simulation?

More information

  • Course literature: Mixed-Signal Processing Systems, Second Edition, 2006, Per Löwenborg, 472 pages
    This book is required for the completion of the course
    (Available at LiU-Tryck for some 345 SEK, House A. LiU-Tryck is open between 9.30 and 15.30)
    Suggested extra material: See the ATIK course home page and everything else you can find out there.
  • Lectures - In total ten lectures will be given, albeit distributed over the whole semester.
  • Laboratories - there are two (plus one init-lab) laboratories to be done during the course, see the tabs on the right to download manuals.
  • Important dates - Check this page for project delivery dates.
  • Project supervision - Important information on supervision!

Even more information

  • LIPS - Here you can find information about the project model and various report templates. The LIPS model is also described in a text book that will be available at the end of August.
  • Information on participating groups, students and accumulated project time will be found in your MSPS project area and thus not published on the Internet. The Linux path will be distributed during the course.
  • Blog - A somewhat quiet blog should be used as additional information regarding the ISY CAD flow, and general mixed-signal questions related to the course or not.
    Another option is to monitor our facebook pages at: http://www.facebook.com/mixedsignal for other updates related to the course, our research group, and more.

  • Course responsible, examiner, lecturer, lab assistant, and project supervisor: J Jacob Wikner

Related research projects at our group

Page responsible: J Jacob Wikner
Last updated: 2013-09-13