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Parallel Data Transmission is a project done at Linköping University. The project demonstrates capabilities and functionalities of the Massive MIMO communication technique!

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Parallel Data Transmission is a project aimed at developing a system that can be used for demonstration of massive MIMO communication
This project was performed at Commsys which is part of Linköping University.

In short, the project implements a massive MIMO communication procedure using 16 pairs of Loudspeakers/Microphones, where 2 acts as terminals. Read more
The resulting system is capable of simultaneously transmit independent data to both terminals, despite using the same carrier frequency, effectively demonstrating that the technique works in practice. Even better, the system still works welll when using 4 terminals (leaving only 12 units to the MIMO array).

The project was part of a CDIO (Conceive - Design - Implement - Operate) project course at Linköping University during 2015 by a group of five people. The same project was conducted in parallel by another group of students, you can find the link to that at the bottom of this page.

If you are very interested in this, several project documents, a presentational poster and source code can be found at Downloads

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