Handin exercises 2023 part 4 solutions

Solve the handin tasks individually! No cooperation with anyone else!

Theory questions are submitted in LISAM using the comment field.

To pass on the handin exercises it is required to reach 9 correct exercises of 12 (16 with this set) on each of theory and code exercises. The handins are divided into 3 (4 with this one) sets of questions with 4 points of theori and 4 points of coding on each. Read closely the instructions on the handin main page!

Note the time schedule!
Handin exercises must be in place at latest by the deadline on the given date. Use the commands "module load courses/TSTE12 ; TSTE12handin" to open a shell window to work from.

Handin part 4 is due by Monday 30 October 2023 at 23.30!

The results will be available in the lisam course room.

   Read the instructions at the main page!!
   Ask if any difficulties or uncertainty!!
   Solve the tasks individually!!

Good luck!

Theory A

What is NOT a valid identifier in VHDL'87? 1) bus

Theory B

What is WRONG related to VHDL? 1) All VHDL code can be synthesized to FPGA hardware

Teori C

Which is not an HDL (Hardware Description Language)? 4) html

Theory D

What is WRONG related to processes in VHDL? 1) Executing the statements inside the process body (excluding wait statements) will increase time

Exercise Code A

   source file: INL4_KA.vhdl   Name of the source file
       Package: INL4_KA        Name of the package
      function: KA             Name of the function
        Inputs: A              data in, signal, std_logic_vector (unconstrained size)
                B              data in, signal, std_logic
       Outputs:                data out, integer

     Behaviour: Create a package with a function KB that counts the
                number of time the value of B is found in the vector A.

       Example: A="00X01Z11", B='1' => KA(A,B)=3
                A="111", B='X'      => KA(A,B)=0
                A="L1L01", B='0'    => KA(A,B)=2
                A="Z", B='Z'        => KA(A,B)=1


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

package INL4_KA is

  function KA ( signal a : std_logic_vector; signal B : std_logic) return integer;

end package;

package body INL4_KA is

  function KA ( signal A : std_logic_vector ;  signal B : std_logic) return integer is
    variable count : integer := 0;
    for i in A'range loop
      if A(i) = B then
        count := count + 1;
      end if;
    end loop;
    return count;

end package body;


Exercise Code B

   source file: INL4_KB.vhdl   Name of the source file
        Entity: INL4_KB        Name of the entity
  architecture: KB             Name of the architecture
        Inputs: A              data in,  bit_vector(1 to 5)
       Outputs: Y              data out, bit

      Behavour: Create a gate that outputs a '1' if there is more bits
                in A that are '1' than that are '0'.

       Example: A="11011" => Y = '1'
                A="01111" => Y = '1'
                A="10000" => Y = '0'
                A="01100" => Y = '0'


entity INL4_KB is
  port (
    A : in bit_vector(1 to 5);
    Y : out bit);
end entity;

architecture KB of INL4_KB is


    variable count : integer;
    count := 0;
    for i in 1 to 5 loop
      if A(i) = '1' then
        count := count + 1;
      end if;
    end loop;
    if count > 2 then
      Y <= '1';
      Y <= '0';
    end if;
  end process;
end architecture;

Exercise Code C

   source file: INL4_KC.vhdl   Name of the source file
        Entity: INL4_KC        Name of the entity
  architecture: KC             Name of the architecture
        Inputs: E              data in, bit
                R              data in, bit
                C              data in, bit
       Outputs: Q              data out, std_logic_vector(3 downto 1)

     Behaviour: Create a negative edge (falling edge) clocked counter with asynchronous
                reset R and count enable E that counts with step size 3. If R = '1' then
                output Q = "0000". If a falling edge on C and R='0' and E='1'
                then increment the Q value by 3. Incrementing "111" by 3 => "010",
                incrementing "110" by 3 => "001", incrementing "101" by 3 => "000".

       Example: Q="101", R='0', E='1', falling edge on C => Q = "000"
                Q="100", R='1',  => Q = "000"
                Q="010", R='0', E='1', falling edge on C => Q = "101"
                Q="001", R='0', E='0', falling edge on C => Q = "001"

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity INL4_KC is
  port (
    E : in bit;
    R : in bit;
    C : in bit;
    Q : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 1));
end entity;

architecture KC of INL4_KC is


    variable Q_tmp : unsigned(3 downto 1);
    if R = '1' then
      Q_tmp := (others => '0');
    elsif falling_edge(C) then
      if E = '1' then
        Q_tmp := Q_tmp + 3;
      end if;
    end if;
    Q <= std_logic_vector(Q_tmp);
  end process;

end architecture;

Exercise Code D

   source file: INL4_KD.vhdl   Name of the source file
        Entity: INL4_KD        Name of the entity
  architecture: KD             Name of the architecture
        Inputs: A              data in, bit_vector(2 downto 0)
                B              data in, bit
       Outputs: Y              data out, bit

     Behaviour: Create a detector that when B have a positive edge checks if A has changed
                during the previous 50 ns. If A did change then output '1' while
                B is '1', else output '0'. Output '0' when B is '0'.

       Example: A="101", B='0' for 300 ns. Y=0. B change to '1' => Y still '0'
                A="011", B='0' for 200 ns, A="101" for 20 ns, B change to '1' => Y = '1' while B='1'
                B='0' => Y='0'


entity INL4_KD is
  port (
    A : in bit_vector(2 downto 0);
    B : in bit;
    Y : out bit);
end entity;

architecture KD of INL4_KD is


    if rising_edge(B) then
      if A'stable(50 ns) then
        Y <= '0';
        Y <= '1';
      end if;
    end if;
    if B = '0' then
      Y <= '0';
    end if;        
  end process;
end architecture;