Handin exercises 2023 part 1 solutions

IMPORTANT: Handin tasks are INDIVIDUAL. Do NOT work together to solve these questions!

Theory questions are submitted in LISAM in similar way to the coding submission.

Submit all theory question answers in one submission. Indicate answers using one line per question, indicating which question (A-D) and which of the multiple choices (1-4) that is your answer to each question.

To pass on the handin exercises it is required to reach 9 correct exercises of 12 on each of theory and code exercises. The handins are divided into 3 sets of questions with 4 points of theori and 4 points of coding on each. Read closely the instructions on the handin main page!

Note the time schedule!
Handin exercise answers must be submitted at latest by the deadline on the given date. Use the commands "module load courses/TSTE12 ; TSTE12handin" to open a shell window to work from.

Handin part 1 is due by Monday 18 September 2022 at 23.30!

The results will be available in the lisam submission.

   Read the instructions at the main page!!
   Ask if any difficulties or uncertainty!!

Good luck!

Theory A

Which datatype was NOT part of the original VHDL standard from 1987? 3) std_logic

Theory B

How many architectures can be created for one entity? 4) no upper limit defined

Teori C

What is WRONG regarding assignments in VHDL? 2) Signals can not be assigned a value from a variable

Theory D

What is WRONG related to VHDL? 3) The language is object-oriented (i.e. support inheritance)

Exercise Code A

   source file: INL1_KA.vhdl   Name of the source file
        Entity: INL1_KA        Name of the entity
  architecture: KA             Name of the architecture
        Inputs: A              data in,  bit
                B              data in,  bit
                C              data in,  bit
       Outputs: Y              data out, bit

      Behavour: Create a 3-input NOR gate. 

       Example: A='0',B='0',C='0' => Y='1'
                A='1',B='0',C='1' => Y='0'


entity INL1_KA is
  port (
    A : in bit;
    B : in bit;
    C : in bit;
    Y : out bit);
end entity;

architecture KA of INL1_KA is

    Y <= not (A or B or C);
  end architecture;


Exercise Code B

   source file: INL1_KB.vhdl   Name of the source file
        Entity: INL1_KB        Name of the entity
  architecture: KB             Name of the architecture
        Inputs: A              data in, bit
                B              data in, bit
                C              data in, bit
       Outputs: Y              data out, bit

      Behavour: Create a 3-input OR gate with a 3 ns output delay.
                Any output pulse shorter than 3 ns should be filtered

       Example: A='0', B='1', C='0' for a long time => Y='1'
                A='0', B='1', C='0', B change to '0' at time 2 ns, C='1' at 4 ns => Y='1' (no change)
                A='0', B='0', C='1', B change to '0' at time 6 ns => Y='0' from time 9 ns


entity INL1_KB is
  port (
    A : in bit;
    B : in bit;
    C : in bit;
    Y : out bit);
end entity;

architecture KB of INL1_KB is


  Y <= (A or B or C) after 3 ns;

end architecture;

Exercise Code C

   source file: INL1_KC.vhdl   Name of the source file
        Entity: INL1_KC        Name of the entity
  architecture: KC             Name of the architecture
        Inputs: A              data in, bit_vector(0 to 2)
       Outputs: Y              data out, bit

     Behaviour: Output a '1' if 2 or 3 elements in A are '1', output '0' otherwise

       Example: A="010" => Y='0'
                A="110" => Y='1'


entity INL1_KC is
  port (
    A : in bit_vector(0 to 2);
    Y : out bit);
end entity;

architecture KC of INL1_KC is


    Y <= (A(0) and A(1)) or (A(0) and A(2)) or (A(1) and A(2));
  end architecture;

Exercise Code D

   source file: INL1_KD.vhdl   Name of the source file.
        Entity: INL1_KD        Name of the entity
  architecture: KD             Name of the architecture
        Inputs: A              data in,  bit_vector(0 to 3)
                B              data in,  bit_vector(1 downto 0)
       Outputs: Y              data out, bit

     Behaviour: Create a multiplexer where B selects which element in A
                to output on Y. B is decoded as an unsigned 2-bit value
                and used as index into A.

       Example: A="0100",B="01" => Y='1'
                A="1010"'B="11" => Y='0'


entity INL1_KD is
  port (
    A : in bit_vector(0 to 3);
    B : in bit_vector(1 downto 0);
    Y : out bit);
end entity;

architecture KD of INL1_KD is

    with B select
    Y <= A(0) when "00",
         A(1) when "01",
         A(2) when "10",
         A(3) when others;

  end architecture;