################################################################################## # The part we are going to run the design on PART=xc2v4000-4-ff1152 ################################################################################## ################################################################################## # Initialize the Xilinx tools by sourcing settings.sh before starting # the respective tool. # The reason for doing this is that Xilinx is using its own libraries which # don't match the system libraries. ################################################################################## # in Muxen XILINX_INIT=. /sw/xilinx/ise_10.1i-x86_64/ISE/settings64.csh;$(NICE) SIMLIB=/sw/xilinx/ise_11.1i/ISE/verilog/mti_se NOBACKUPDIR=/tmp/$(USER) # on Olles computer #XILINX_INIT=. /opt/Xilinx/10.1/ISE/settings64.sh;$(NICE) #SIMLIB=/opt/Xilinx/10.1/ISE/verilog/mti_se #NOBACKUPDIR=/nobackup/local/$(USERNAME) ################################################################################## # Here is a list of the files needed for various parts of the design ################################################################################## PROCESSOR_FILES= or1200/or1200_alu.sv or1200/or1200_except.v \ or1200/or1200_mem2reg.v \ or1200/or1200_amultp2_32x32.v or1200/or1200_freeze.v \ or1200/or1200_mult_mac.v or1200/or1200_sprs.sv or1200/or1200_cfgr.v \ or1200/or1200_genpc.v or1200/or1200_operandmuxes.v or1200/or1200_top.sv \ or1200/or1200_cpu.v or1200/or1200_gmultp2_32x32.v \ or1200/or1200_pic.v \ or1200/or1200_tt.v or1200/or1200_ctrl.sv or1200/or1200_ic_fsm.v \ or1200/or1200_pm.v or1200/or1200_dc_fsm.v \ or1200/or1200_ic_ram.v or1200/or1200_qmem_top.v \ or1200/or1200_dc_ram.v or1200/or1200_ic_tag.v \ or1200/or1200_reg2mem.v or1200/or1200_wb_biu.v or1200/or1200_dc_tag.v \ or1200/or1200_ic_top.v \ or1200/or1200_wbmux.v or1200/or1200_dc_top.v or1200/or1200_if.v \ or1200/or1200_rf.v \ or1200/or1200_dmmu_tlb.v or1200/or1200_immu_tlb.v \ or1200/or1200_sb_fifo.v or1200/or1200_dmmu_top.v \ or1200/or1200_immu_top.v or1200/or1200_sb.v \ or1200/or1200_dpram_32x32.v or1200/or1200_iwb_biu.v \ or1200/or1200_du.v or1200/or1200_lsu.sv or1200/or1200_spram_2048x32.v \ or1200/or1200_spram_2048x32_bw.v or1200/or1200_spram_512x20.v \ or1200/or1200_vlx_ctrl.sv or1200/or1200_vlx_dp.sv or1200/or1200_vlx_su.sv \ or1200/or1200_vlx_top.sv DCT_FILES=jpeg/dct.sv jpeg/q2.sv jpeg/jpeg_dma.sv jpeg/jpeg_top.sv jpeg/transpose.sv \ jpeg/addrgen.sv DCM_FILES=clk/clkdel.v clk/clkdiv.v clk/sys_sig_gen.v VGA_FILES=dvga/dpram512w.v dvga/dvga_reg.v dvga/dvga_sprite_post.v \ dvga/dvga_sprite_rend.v dvga/dvga_top.sv dvga/dvga_fifo64x32.v \ dvga/dvga_renderer.v dvga/dvga_sprite_pre.v dvga/dvga_sprite.v ETHERNET_FILES=eth/eth_clockgen.v eth/eth_outputcontrol.v \ eth/eth_rxethmac.v eth/eth_txethmac.v eth/eth_cop.v eth/eth_random.v \ eth/eth_rxstatem.v eth/eth_txstatem.v eth/eth_crc.v \ eth/eth_receivecontrol.v eth/eth_shiftreg.v eth/eth_wishbone.v \ eth/eth_fifo.v eth/eth_registers.v eth/eth_spram_256x32.v \ eth/timescale.v eth/eth_maccontrol.v eth/eth_register.v \ eth/eth_top.sv eth/xilinx_dist_ram_16x32.v eth/eth_macstatus.v \ eth/eth_rxaddrcheck.v eth/eth_transmitcontrol.v eth/eth_miim.v \ eth/eth_rxcounters.v eth/eth_txcounters.v LEELA_FILES=leela/generic_dpram.v leela/leela_cam_cam.v \ leela/leela_cam_sprite.v leela/leela_mc.v leela/leela_top.sv \ leela/generic_fifo_sc_a.v leela/leela_cam_sim.v leela/leela_cam.v \ leela/leela_reg.v MONITOR_FILES=monitor/mon_prog_bram.sv monitor/romram.sv PKMC_FILES=pkmc/pkmc_sdramctrl_addgen.v \ pkmc/pkmc_sdramctrl_refcount.v pkmc/pkmc_commanddecoder.v \ pkmc/pkmc_sdramctrl_centralctrl.v pkmc/pkmc_sdramctrl_top.v \ pkmc/pkmc_flashctrl.v pkmc/pkmc_sdramctrl_fsm_all_one.v \ pkmc/pkmc_sramctrl.v pkmc/pkmc_mem_fpga_board_if.v \ pkmc/pkmc_sdramctrl_fsm_command.v pkmc/pkmc_top.sv pkmc/pkmc_rowcheck.v \ pkmc/pkmc_sdramctrl_fsm_sdramIRQ.v pkmc/pkmc_wbmemctrl_addrdecoder.v \ pkmc/pkmc_sdramctrl_ackgen.v pkmc/pkmc_sdramctrl_fsm.v \ pkmc/pkmc_wbmemctrl.v pkmc/pkmc_sdramctrl_activebanks.v \ pkmc/pkmc_sdramctrl_initcount.v UART_FILES=uart/raminfr.v uart/uart_receiver.v uart/uart_rfifo.v \ uart/uart_top.sv uart/uart_wb.v uart/uart_debug_if.v uart/uart_regs.v \ uart/uart_tfifo.v uart/uart_transmitter.v WB_FILES=wb/wb_arb_rr.sv wb/wb_arb_prio.sv wb/wb_top.sv interfaces/wishbone.sv PARPORT_FILES=parport.sv PERF_FILES=perf_top.sv COMMON_FILES=$(PROCESSOR_FILES) $(MONITOR_FILES) $(WB_FILES) \ $(PARPORT_FILES) $(PERF_FILES) $(UART_FILES) $(DCM_FILES) DAFK_FILES = dafk.sv $(COMMON_FILES) $(DCT_FILES) $(VGA_FILES) $(ETHERNET_FILES) $(LEELA_FILES) $(PKMC_FILES) LAB0_FILES = lab0.sv LAB1_FILES = lab1.sv $(LAB0_FILES) lab1/lab1_uart_top.sv $(PROCESSOR_FILES) \ $(MONITOR_FILES) $(DCM_FILES) $(PARPORT_FILES) $(WB_FILES) $(PERF_FILES) \ $(PKMC_FILES) LAB0_SDF_FILES = $(WD)/lab0.v VERILOG_HEADERS=include/dafk_defines.v include/pkmc_flash_defines.v \ include/pkmc_memctrl_defines.v \ include/dvga_defines.v include/pkmc_sdram_commands.v \ include/timescale.v include/eth_defines.v \ include/pkmc_sdramctrl_fsm_parameters.v include/uart_defines.v \ include/eth_phy_defines.v include/pkmc_sdram_defines.v \ include/wb_conbus_defines.v include/or1200_defines.v \ include/pkmc_sram_defines.v include/wb_def.v ################################################################################## # The work directory we are storing temporary files in # We do this because Xilinx' tools has a tendency to spew # out a lot of temporary files which would clutter up our main # source directory. WD=$(NOBACKUPDIR)/synthdir # # This is the location where ModelSim stores compiled modules SIM_WD=$(NOBACKUPDIR)/work ################################################################################## ################################################################################## # The niceness level you want to use for CPU demanding tools # FIXME - might want to consider ionice here as well NICE=nice -n 19 ################################################################################## ################################################################################## IOBUFINSERTION?=YES PRECISION = precision include precision.mk # Rules for using XST to synthesize the design # Use this instead if you want to use XST to synthesize the design # (XST does not support System Verilog yet though...) #include xst.mk ################################################################################## all: dafk # Use the "order-only" type prerequisite to insure that the firmware is # built before dafk.bit dafk: | check_workdirs fw buildnum dafk.bit lab1: | check_workdirs fw buildnum lab1.bit lab0: | check_workdirs fw buildnum lab0.bit # Bump the build number buildnum: i=$$(cut -d d -f 3 < include/buildnum.v);i=$$(($$i+1));echo "\`define BUILDREV 16'd$$i" > include/buildnum.v # Shouldn't be required since dafk rules always calls # the fw rule first... monitor/firmware/src/mon_prog_bram_contents.v: make -C monitor/firmware/src # Build the firmware directory fw: make -C monitor/firmware/src $(WD)/dafk.scr: VERILOGFILES=$(DAFK_FILES) $(WD)/dafk.scr: $(DAFK_FILES) $(VERILOG_HEADERS) monitor/firmware/src/mon_prog_bram_contents.v $(WD)/lab0.scr: VERILOGFILES= $(LAB0_FILES) $(WD)/lab0.scr: $(LAB0_FILES) $(WD)/lab1.scr: VERILOGFILES= $(LAB1_FILES) $(WD)/lab1.scr: $(LAB1_FILES) $(VERILOG_HEADERS) monitor/firmware/src/mon_prog_bram_contents.v ################################################################################### # There are no user servicable parts below this line... ################################################################################### check_workdirs: | check_nobackupdir $(WD) $(SIM_WD) # Make sure that we own $(NOBACKUPDIR). If it doesn't exist, create # it. (And we will get an error message from mkdir and abort the # compilation if we could not create it for some reason. check_nobackupdir: @if ! test -O $(NOBACKUPDIR);\ then\ if ! mkdir $(NOBACKUPDIR);\ then \ echo "ERROR: You are not the owner of $(WD)";\ false;\ fi;\ fi # No need for intricate checks here since check_workdirs checks # check_nobackupdir rule first. $(WD): mkdir $(WD) $(SIM_WD): mkdir $(SIM_WD) # Do not remove these intermediate files since they are very time consuming to create # (There is a little chance for mistakes here if (for example) a .ngd file is only # partially written when the user interrupts ngdbuild with a ctrl-c. In this case # make will erroneously think the .ngd file is ok and continue with the next step # in the process instead of remaking the .ngd. make clean is your friend if this # occurs... .PRECIOUS: $(WD)/%.scr $(WD)/%.prj %.ncd $(WD)/%.ngc $(WD)/%.ngd $(WD)/%_map.ncd $(WD)/%.ncd $(WD)/%.edf %.ncd %.bit # The rules for creating a .bit file out of a synthesized design (see xst.mk or precision.mk for # the synthesize rules) # Map a design into the FPGA components $(WD)/%_map.ncd: $(WD)/%.ngd cd $(WD); if test -f $*_old.ncd;then MAPOPTS="-smartguide $*_old.ncd";fi;$(XILINX_INIT) map $$MAPOPTS -detail -u -p $(PART) -cm speed -pr b -k 4 -c 100 -o $*_map.ncd $*.ngd $*.pcf # Rule for placing and routing a design $(WD)/%.ncd: $(WD)/%_map.ncd cd $(WD); if test -f $*_old.ncd;then PAROPTS="-smartguide $*_old.ncd";fi;$(XILINX_INIT) par $$MAPOPTS -nopad -rl high -w -ol high -pl high -t 1 $*_map.ncd $*.ncd $*.pcf cd $(WD); cp $*.ncd $*_old.ncd # Create backannotation netlist and sdf-file cd $(WD); $(XILINX_INIT) netgen -ofmt verilog -sdf_path $(WD) $* # Include the following if you need a timing report # (Not really needed for this course since we do not expect to ever # fail timing at 25 MHz) # cd $(WD); $(XILINX_INIT) trce -v 1000 $*.ncd $*.pcf %.ncd: $(WD)/%.ncd cp $(WD)/$*.ncd . # Generate a configuration file for the FPGA out of the Native Circuit Description %.bit: %.ncd $(XILINX_INIT) bitgen -w $*.ncd $*.bit -g StartupClk:JtagClk clean: rm -f *~ */*~ rm -rf $(WD)/* rm -f *.bit *.ncd *.xdl *.cmd *.log *.drc *.bgn ################################################################################## # Update the monitor inside dafk*.bit and name them as updated_dafk*.bit # Useful if you want to try some changes in the monitor without having to # synthesize the entire design. ################################################################################## updatebit: fw for i in dafk.bit lab1.bit; do \ if test -f $$i; then\ echo Updating $$i;\ $(XILINX_INIT) data2mem -bm monitor/firmware/d2m/memorymap.bmm -bd monitor/firmware/src/mon2.mem -bt $$i -o b updated_$$i;\ fi;\ done ################################################################################## # Some stuff related to simulation ################################################################################## LAB0_SIMFILES = dafk_tb/lab0_tb.sv $(LAB0_FILES) LAB0_SDF_SIMFILES = dafk_tb/lab0_tb.sv SIMFILES=dafk_tb/128Kx8.v dafk_tb/adv_bb.v \ dafk_tb/eth_phy.v \ dafk_tb/flash.v dafk_tb/mt48lc16m16a2.v dafk_tb/sdram.v \ dafk_tb/sram_1MB.v dafk_tb/uart_tasks.sv \ dafk_tb/dafk_tb.sv dafk_tb/wishbone_tasks.sv $(COMMON_FILES) \ $(DCT_FILES) $(PKMC_FILES) $(ETHERNET_FILES) $(VGA_FILES) \ $(LEELA_FILES) dafk.sv jpeg/jpeg_top_tb.sv \ lab1.sv dafk_tb/lab1_tb.sv lab1/lab1_uart_top.sv lab1/uart_tb.sv \ $(LAB0_SIMFILES) # Actually we don't need to recompile all verilog files in some cases # but it does not take a long time to do so. And in my defense, ISE # recompiles all verilog files as well :) # # vmake in Modelsim can also be used to automatically generate a # Makefile as well, but you will have to do some ugly stuff if a new # source code file is added in that case. UNISIMS=$(SIMLIB)/unisims_ver XILINXCORELIB=$(SIMLIB)/xilinxcorelib_ver SIMPRIMS=$(SIMLIB)/simprims_ver SRC=$(SIMLIB)/../src simfiles: check_workdirs monitor/firmware/src/mon_prog_bram_contents.v cd simulator;vlib $(SIM_WD);vlog -work $(SIM_WD) +acc $(SRC)/glbl.v;for i in $(SIMFILES); do if ! vlog -work $(SIM_WD) +acc -sv +incdir+.. ../$$i; then exit 1;fi;done cp *.mif simulator # tests the whole computer sim: | fw simfiles cd simulator;if test -f /usr/bin/cygpath;then VSIM="cmd /c start vsim";else VSIM=vsim;fi;\ $$VSIM -L $(UNISIMS) -L $(XILINXCORELIB) -lib $(SIM_WD) -wlf $(NOBACKUPDIR)/vsim.wlf -t 1ps dafk_tb glbl # tests the whole computer (no DCT, no eth, no VGA) with student UART sim_lab1: | fw simfiles cd simulator;if test -f /usr/bin/cygpath;then VSIM="cmd /c start vsim";else VSIM=vsim;fi;\ $$VSIM -L $(UNISIMS) -L $(XILINXCORELIB) -lib $(SIM_WD) -wlf $(NOBACKUPDIR)/vsim.wlf -t 1ps lab1_tb glbl # tests the JPEG acc (with WB interface) sim_jpeg: simfiles cd simulator;if test -f /usr/bin/cygpath;then VSIM="cmd /c start vsim";else VSIM=vsim;fi;\ $$VSIM -L $(UNISIMS) -L $(XILINXCORELIB) -lib $(SIM_WD) -wlf $(NOBACKUPDIR)/vsim.wlf -t 1ps jpeg_top_tb glbl # tests the student UART (with WB interface) sim_uart: simfiles cd simulator;if test -f /usr/bin/cygpath;then VSIM="cmd /c start vsim";else VSIM=vsim;fi;\ $$VSIM -L $(UNISIMS) -L $(XILINXCORELIB) -lib $(SIM_WD) -wlf $(NOBACKUPDIR)/vsim.wlf -t 1ps suart_tb glbl # tests lab0, part of UART sim_lab0: | check_workdirs $(LAB0_FILES) $(LAB0_SIMFILES) cd simulator;vlib $(SIM_WD); for i in $(LAB0_SIMFILES); do if ! vlog -work $(SIM_WD) -sv +acc ../$$i; then exit 1; fi ;done cd simulator;if test -f /usr/bin/cygpath;then VSIM="cmd /c start vsim";else VSIM=vsim;fi;\ $$VSIM -lib $(SIM_WD) -wlf $(NOBACKUPDIR)/vsim.wlf -t 1ps lab0_tb sim_lab0_sdf: | check_workdirs $(LAB0_SDF_FILES) $(LAB0_SDF_SIMFILES) cd simulator;vlib $(SIM_WD); for i in $(LAB0_SDF_SIMFILES); do if ! vlog -work $(SIM_WD) -sv +acc ../$$i; then exit 1; fi ; done cd simulator;vlib $(SIM_WD); for i in $(LAB0_SDF_FILES); do if ! vlog -work $(SIM_WD) -sv +acc $$i; then exit 1; fi ; done cd simulator;vlog -work $(SIM_WD) ../glbl.v cd simulator;if test -f /usr/bin/cytgpath;then VSIM="cmd /c start vsim";else VSIM=vsim;fi;\ $$VSIM -lib $(SIM_WD) -t 1ps -L unisims_ver -L simprims_ver lab0_tb glbl prog: sh utils/download.sh dafk.bit prog_lab0: sh utils/download.sh lab0.bit prog_lab1: sh utils/download.sh lab1.bit ################################################################################## # Useful to see if we forgot to remove the complete solutions before creating a # lab skeleton of the design :) ################################################################################## fixme: @echo 'Checking for fixmes...' @if ! grep -r FIXME .| grep -v 'grep FIXME'|grep -v .svn; then echo No FIXMEs found.;fi