
This is the official project website for the FaceOff-project, done in the course TSBB51, VT 2008, at ISY, Linköping Technical University.

The project aimed to animate a 3D-model of a face in a realistic way, to recorded soundfiles with human speech. The animaton was made by implementing the Candide-model (ISY made) version 3.

The outcome was a program with the following capabillities:

  • GUI for adapting any facial texture to the 3D-model.
  • basic speech analysis to analyse human speech (formant analysis)
  • speech-to-animation mapping - rendering of the result

This is a list of (some of) the documents produced in the process of making this program (all in swedish):

Videos, all in swedish, illustrates the program:

Demo 1 - Face Demo 2 - adaptation Demo 3 - Einstein is alive



The members of this project was:

Magnus Lång, Gustav Wikander and Yen Tran

mail: faceoff08 <at> googlegroups <dot> com